Common Repairs with Modern Smartphones in 2022 - Fixerman

Written by: Fixerman The Tech Guy

August 24, 2022

Common Repairs with Modern Smartphones in 2022

A couple of years ago, owning a smartphone used to be a flex. However, now it is considered one of the biggest necessities Having a smartphone makes our lives and a lot of our daily tasks much easier. They create so much convenience in our lives that we cannot imagine functioning without our phones in our pockets. However, this dependence and reliability also mean that our phones go through heavy functioning and can end up requiring maintenances and repairs. 

Therefore, today we are going to go through Common Repairs with Smart Phones in 2022 and explain how you can avoid them. 




Perhaps the most common kind of repair required by phones these days is battery repair. As mentioned, our phones function a lot per day, and there comes a time when a simple recharge is not enough for the phone to function properly. In android devices, the issue of battery bloating is very common in which batteries get bloated and can cause troubles. In Apple devices, the battery health can drain depending upon how much care they get and their usage. 

In both ways, battery replacements are required and can cost less to a lot depending upon the quality of the battery being installed. To avoid this, the best practice is to charge the battery accordingly and not over 85-90% and use it with moderate settings. However, a battery replacement can add a lot to the overall performance of the phone.  




Screen repair is another one of the common issues that we come across when It comes to Smart Phone repairs in 2022. We are all humans and can make mistakes, dropping our phones being one of them. Therefore, considering the delicacy of modern-day phones, a simple drop can cause cracks in their screens. However, this does not affect the performance of the phone (depending upon the impact when the phone fell) and can be fixed with an easy screen replacement. 

Adding a screen protector or a good cover with solid dimensions and cornering can add to the safety of your phone and can avoid screen cracking even when the phone drops. 




Have you ever wondered how many times you use your power button in a day? Countless times, right? We usually find ourselves checking up on our phones even when we receive no notification. The power button, on the back end, is being used repeatedly and that can lead up to it being dysfunctional or not crisp enough anymore, meaning that you need to press it very hard and no longer hear the clicking sound it once made. 

While there are not many measures that can be taken to avoid the power button from giving up on its life, a simple repair can solve the issue. The plus point is that even though it sounds very technical, it is really not that expensive. 




Better not to get yourself in this one. If you drop your phone inside water, then you know that you are in deep water, right? Pun intended. On a serious note, water damage is one of the worst-case scenarios for any smartphone device, and even though it is repair-able, it can cost you some bucks. 


Paying extra care to your phone when near water bodies is the only cure. However, since many phones are water resistant these days, if you own the latest phone device, you might be safe if you drop your phone in water, considering that the water body is not too deep. 




These are some Common Repairs with Smart Phone Devices in 2022. All of these kinds of repairs, and much more are available at the Fixerman which is always available to cater to your needs and help you with what you are looking for.

Therefore, reach out to us whenever you want and we will not disappoint you. 
