5 ways to save on iPhone repair cost? | Fixermanme

Written by: Fixerman The Tech Guy

April 27, 2021

5 ways to save on iPhone repair cost?

If you bought a new iPhone, you are already worried about keeping it safe. Despite their premium quality, build and performance, it can be quite expensive to repair if damaged. Don’t’ worry, help is on its way, and here are a few ways to protect your new iPhone.

A new iPhone is a beautiful thing to look at and just touch all day and so the easiest way to keep it that way is to add at least a screen protector. Once applied, you will not notice it is there. They keep your screen scratch free, and if you use the Rhino shield, which we have thoroughly tested, your screen will be solid. Now that is a fairly straightforward conclusion but if you are going to drop it, then you need to cover up the rest of the phone. The Rhino shield mod series is one of the best top cases available. What sets it apart from all the other tough cases are the various options. You can go from a bumper style to show off all the iPhones glory which still offers a very protective case even with the iPhones out sticking out or the next day you can cover it all up in several design options like the carbon fiber.

The mod series as the name suggests is that it is modular so you can swap out colors for the rims back plates and even button meetings just because it is tough does not mean it has to be ugly. With the screen protector that is 360 degrees of coverage we can confidently say it will protect your iPhone for the most part. It attaches fairly securely to a backplate and for the most part adds a little flair to the whole package making using your iPhone one-handed a breeze. No more worrying about it sliding around while swiping right when you are done with all the washroom selfies those squeeze it in and it lays fairly flat against your case. We are a huge fan of its simplicity and adding this to your phones a must for anyone with tiny fingers or just is bad at holding things Now we know the 3D pink diamond design may not be for everyone, but they have so many design options. you can even customize your own as an added bonus it also doubles as a stand it may not be the sturdiest but if you are just looking for that hands-free experience looks. If you are not going to listen to any of our other ideas at least get AppleCare and make a slot up front but in the long run it saves you quite a bit of money.

This is already the case for the iPhone X because on your first drop you are already making back your money and if you are really clumsy at holding things the second drop is even more worth it. You are basically getting two new iPhones for almost nothing. Sure, there are cheaper repair options, and as a we totally get where you are coming from, but we will be the first to tell you that they sometimes end up costing more because they screw something up and you have to go fix it again. Anyways with Apple it’s a trusted source to manufacture itself and it’s this easy that’s it guys I just got back from the Apple Store and the beauty of Apple Care is just that it’s so simple and convenient you’re just walking and they give you a phone and you walk out basically and that’s the thing with accidents though no matter how careful you are there’s always someone out there who’s going to ask to borrow your phone to make a call or take a selfie weirdly on your phone and you can’t control how they treat it and happens so while adding a screen protector case and even a pop socket will significantly decrease your chance of your screen or phone cracking it still won’t make your iPhone invincible no matter what case or scream factor you use. We do recommend Apple care though even if you have all three of these items, you are just paying for that worry free ease of mind for the next two years at the very least get a screen protector you barely notice it is there it does not add any bulk, but it does so much for you. It probably saves you a few hundred dollars in repairs down the road if you are worried about the pink though do not worry because they do have many your styles like darker shades of pink.
